Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stuff I've acquired since November, part 1, COMICS

Since I'm so behind on posting pictures of newly acquired toys and junk, we're going to fire through them quickly, with little or no commentary.

House of M, Decimation, Civil War, JLA, JLI, Justice, Superman, Hellboy, also Deep Space 9 season 7 DVD for $10 on eBay. That's a steal.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pic of the Day 129

Wonder Woman, from Red Son, by DC Direct.

Pic of the Day 128

Alien Warrior, from Aliens, by NECA.

Pic of the Day 127

Eternal Dragon, from Dragons series 5, by McFarlane Toys.

This is the first of the Dragons I came across, and I was really impressed by it, so I bought it. This led to me buying a few others, maybe I'll post pictures of them somewhere. The Ice Dragons are my favorite, and this one.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blackest Knight Begins

Here's page 1 of my first issue of Batman & Robin, which kicks off the "Blackest Knight" storyline:

Colours by Alex Sinclair

(This page has been met with much shock from the fan community, I didn't realize it was such a significant image but I haven't been reading Blackest Night)

On sale tomorrow, Wednesday the 27th! Please pick it up and let me know what you think!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pic of the Day 125

It's finally time to start up the Pic of the Day again. In an interesting coincidence, I've started the year off by starting to collect two new lines of figures. Of course, both lines are way past their sell date, very quite dead, so I won't be acquiring them very quickly. Not that that really matters, because I'm getting these through trades (over at, come join us).

Today we start with a figure from a movie based on a comic I hadn't heard of (but as with films, it doesn't really mean anything if I haven't heard of it). It was also movie I hadn't heard of, but I borrowed it, or somehow bought it for like $5 or something on eBay, and was absolutely blown away by it. It's definitely one of my favorite movies, and the sequel, while not quite as good, is still pretty darn entertaining and enjoyable. The movie: Hellboy.

Hellboy, from Hellboy series 1 by Mezco.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Some late-night practice drawing while watching a movie, trying to draw interesting character types.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Girl Fridays

This is actually a commission piece, I got an email from someone asking for a portrait. Since I'm always happy to draw cute girls I managed to do this late last night before going home:

I'm quite happy with the inking on this one - I am trying to make a change in my drawing where I am looser with my inking on pieces like this, trying to bring the roughness of my inking on Sin Titulo (returning soon!) to all of my work. I inked this very fast and instead of controlled smooth curves (compare with the New Year's illustration below) I tried to ink with short, sharp scratchy flicks of the wrist. I'm pleased with some of the irregular line weights here, like the curve around the top of the head. I'm making it my New Year's resolution to draw like this a lot more.