Monday, April 14, 2008

Piece by Piece

So, a couple of years ago in the Marvel Legends line an evil thing was done. Toybiz put pieces of a figure in with each regular figure in the line, which assemble into one of the coolest action figures of all time. A 15 inch Sentinel, which is basically a giant mutant-hunting robot.

I am trying to acquire all the pieces to build him, but some are rather pricey. They also did a Build-A-Figure of Apocalypse, who is some evil mutant, and that's all I know. They did two versions of him though, a blue one, which is fairly easy to come by, and a black one, which is not. I, of course, started out wanting to build the hard to find black one, and have since graduated to wanting both.

Here's what I have so far: one piece of each, and the cute SuperHero Squad Sentinel.

I also recently bought a bunch of trade paperbacks compiling several issues from the JLA run, and the second season of the animated Justice League.

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