Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pic of the Day 3


I haven't written about Star Wars in a long time here, and since Star
Wars kicked off my collecting habit (both in classic and modern times) I
thought I should make a small post about it. I was initially going to
put up a picture of the Sideshow Darth Maul, but you'll have to wait a
couple days for that one, and instead we'll take a trip down memory

Way back when I was a sophomore in High School Hasbro started up a
new line of Star Wars figures, called Power of the Force, the
second line with that title. Quite possibly the first Star Wars figure,
nay, the first toy I ever bought for myself was the above pictured Boba
. It also might have been the Luke in Stormtrooper Disguise, or
Jedi Luke, but I lean towards Boba, and since I don't have the two Lukes
anymore Boba was the only option for the photo.

Sure, it's kinda beefy, as were all the figures in that line, but
it's a pretty great figure nonetheless, and that's why I didn't sell it
when I did the Lukes. When I went to Colombia (the South American
country, not one of the US cities) for two years Boba went with me.
He's been with me longer than my wife (since we didn't start dating till
we were seniors), and I hope he's with me to the end. Though I don't
want to be buried with him. That would be weird. My DCUC collection
maybe, not beefy Boba. I'll give him to Katie or whichever of my kids
still likes Star Wars when I'm about to go.

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