Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A New Music Order For Us All

I've been a big fan of New Order for many years. I've put some of my favorite songs on the music player, so you can all enjoy some good music. Music taken from the following recordings.

  • Movement (1981)
  • Power, Corruption & Lies (1983)
  • Low-Life (1985)
  • Brotherhood (1986)
  • Substance (1987, singles collection)
  • Technique (1989)
  • Republic (1993)
  • - World (The Price of Love) (1993, single)
  • Get Ready (2001)
  • - Crystal (2001, single)
  • - 60 Miles an Hour (2002, single)
  • Waiting for the Sirens' Call (2005)

Low-Life is one of my all time favorite albums, so narrowing down to only two songs was pretty tough. I strongly recommend this album to everybody.

Republic is also one of my favorite albums, but I don't have nearly as hard a time singling out a favorite, specifically, Special, an all time favorite track.

Waiting for the Sirens' Call, New Order's most recent album (and possibly/probably their last) is my favorite of all their work. I could not choose only two tracks, so I put all the entire album up, excluding one song that I just don't like much. When this CD was released New Order said they had recorded enough tracks for a second album, which was supposed to be releaesd in the following year, but it never was released, and at this point I would guess it's not ever coming out. And I think that is a great shame, as I think this is their best work, ever song is solidly great, and I would love to see the sequel album released someday.

Remember Kids: No one dares disturb the sound of silence

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