Saturday, June 13, 2009

Random Blabla Gloom

  • I want a BlackBerry because I just saw this woman had a nice matching case of her BlackBerry.
  • Need more flat shoes.
  • Kinder Bueno is yummy. Buy more.
  • Crap. I need to restrain myself from eating chocolates.
  • Kinder Bueno is yummy. Stop buying.
  • Thanks to Jaws. I will never ever set foot in the ocean. Swimming pool too.
  • Do more Maths questions. Starting with the simple one, like 1+1.
  • Stop pretending like I'm into ice hockey just because of him. After all, it's not so popular here in the country.
  • Must go to Switzerland this coming semester break! Ouh, that will be a long way to go.
  • Keep myself away from the internet, spend more time on reading.
  • Reading is the new Kimi.
  • Never make phone calls while Kimi is racing especially during the starting. Major distraction.
  • Make a list of what I should bring so that I won't have to wear jeans to sleep just because I forgot my pyjamas.
  • Stop buying pink clothes and I should let my mum pick the color next time when shopping.
  • Yeah, need to buy bags for college. I know I have tons but new college, new bags.
  • Tell Estaban not to 'make out' with my dad's shoes. Must tell Estaban to flirt around with female cats. Or else, people will know I have a gay cat. And Estaban, stop sniffing Jiden's butt!
  • Someone's birthday is coming, must buy presents! :)
  • My birthday is in 10 days! To be exact, 24th June! One of the major events in the country! Haha
  • Call Lionel Messi to confirm on the guest list. Okay, this shouldn't be on the list anyway.
  • Huarghhhhh...! Can someone tell me I'm not nocturnal?!?! At least, tell me that my clock is not showing 4 o' clock in the morning! Wait, am I turning into a BatWOMAN?!?!?!?!?!?

Tell me, this is not me in the future?!?

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