Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Favourite SDCC Souvenir

During this year's San Diego Comic Con I went for some lunch near the convention centre with a bunch of friends. Most of the surrounding restaurants get into the spirit of Comic Con and have special dumb "superhero" menus or whatever, and the place we chose was no exception. As I was looking over the menu something caught my eye - it was a drawing I'd done years ago of Mr Fantastic of the Fantastic Four. I held it up to show my friends and noticed two more drawings of mine on the back:

(not shown: Invisible Woman)

I had an idea. I called the waitress over and told her that I had drawn the pictures that they were using on their menu.

"Oh, that's so cool!" she said.
"Yeah, I think we should get some free drinks or something in compensation, right?"
"Uh, well...I'll have to check with my manager."

Shortly after she returned with the word from the manager, who said that in order to get anything on the house, I had to prove they were actually my drawings. Fair enough. Luckily I had my iPhone and was able to use Google Image Search to find a photo of me right next to the drawing of Mr Fantastic.

We got those drinks.

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