Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Assassin's Creed: The Fall Released Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day that Assassin's Creed: The Fall #1 hits stores. Frankly, the buzz around this project in the comics community has been disappointingly low, I think mainly because a lot of people are still - understandably - put off by the idea of a comic based on a video game.

My co-creator Karl Kerschl and I (and our colourist Nadine Thomas) have really worked hard on this book, and we've poured a lot of effort and energy into it, because we wanted to do something that wasn't just a shallow, cash-in spinoff. Believe me, I've worked on that type of project before, and I can admit that I've half-assed it for the paycheck. But not so here - with the amount of creative freedom granted us by Ubisoft, it really feels like this is a very personal project for Karl and I and we're very proud of the final product. We've tried to make it accessible for non-gamers, engaging for people already familiar with Assassin's Creed, and above all, the kind of comic that we'd like to read.

This is my first published work as a writer, too (aside from Sin Titulo, which is technically self published), and so it's a new phase in my career that's very exciting and I would love if it started successfully.

Assassin's Creed: The Fall #1 is out in stores tomorrow, November 10, and is available at comic shops, Target, and GameStop*. I'd very much appreciate if you would consider purchasing a copy, and letting me know what you think here. Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!

*NOTE - the edition sold in Target and GameStop is slightly altered than the direct market version, for bad language.

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