Wednesday, January 19, 2011

20° to -20°

First couple pages of my sketchbook ...

Some sketches of people from i-D magazine that kept me entertained during the flight back...
Some J-Cole and a self-caricature to ease myself back into things...
Familiar sights from home :)...

Airport peeps...
My buddy Ben...
And Abe...

Beaches ...
Beauties and Booties...

Happy New Year first of all! First post of 2011. Sorry for not posting more often...Sorry for not keeping in touch with people from back home as much as I said I would, but it's taking my body and brain forever to ease back into things I got way too relaxed for my own good :)...ANYWAY, I'm going to force myself to upload at least once or twice a week to shake off the rust -Bear with me . Thanks again to anyone who passes to check this stuff out I'll be more on top of things I promise! More Ghana inspired art soon.Critiques are always welcome.Enjoy

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