Monday, October 3, 2011

How is the DC Comics Reboot Been Financially for DC Comics?


From a piece in the New York Times...

In the last five weeks, since the first of these 52 renumbered or new series were introduced, the sales of DC comics have increased by leaps and bounds. The first issue of the new Justice League, the company’s flagship book, has sold more than 200,000 copies, compared with the roughly 46,000 for each of the last few issues before the reboot.

An all-star creative team — the writer Geoff Johns and the artist Jim Lee — and the collector’s tendency to buy multiple copies of first issues almost guaranteed that Justice League No. 1 would be a top seller. But more surprising is that nine other series, including Action Comics, Batgirl and the Flash, at least doubled their normal sales and sold over 100,000 copies, a milestone that had proved increasingly difficult for comic-book publishers to reach.

“Up until the week of the launch, I thought this thing was going to flop,” said Brian Hibbs, the owner of the Comix Experience in San Francisco. But sales have exceeded his expectations. “There’s no way not to call this a success,” he added.

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