Friday, June 27, 2008


Wall-E is magnificent.

It's easily the best Pixar production, likely one of the best Disney films, and equally likely to be considered one of the best science-fiction films ever made. However good Kung Fu Panda allegedly is, Dreamworks still has miles and miles to go before they'll create something as breathtakingly sophisticated as Wall-E.

Thankfully the trailers don't give much away - what's seen in the trailers occurs all in the first third of the film, leaving most of the story as a surprise to the audience. The real action begins once Wall-E leaves Earth - I won't spoil anything except to say that this film is Mike Judge's Idiocracy done right.

Even the short film that precedes the feature, about a magician, his rabbit, and a magic hat, is excellent, and harkens back to the best Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry cartoons, with some satisfyingly hilarious and violent gags.

Thank you Andrew Stanton and Pixar for reminding me what it's like to watch a movie with wide eyes.

Girl Fridays

Thursday, June 26, 2008

San Diego Sketches

Despite being one of the most popular reasons for people to attend comic conventions, I generally don't enjoy sketching at shows. I'm enormously flattered and grateful that people are interested in having me draw for them but the atmosphere at a show is all wrong for me to feel comfortable drawing - I'm not in my familiar environment, with the lighting and desk and chair and music that I'm used to, and talking to people while drawing often interrupts the flow of creation. The end results are usually drawings which I'm not entirely proud of.

At this year's San Diego show I've made the decision to not do any commission drawings (save for quick sketches on the inside of purchased books), but from now until the show I will be doing as many drawings as I can manage, in the comfort of my own studio. I'll be selling these in place of doing commissions on the spot.

Here's three I did this evening:

You Either Die A Hero...

Did I mention I can't wait for The Dark Knight?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ain't He Unglamourays?

I actually quite enjoyed Louis Leterrier's The Incredible Hulk, which surprised me. I definitely don't think it's as good as Iron Man, but if that film is a 10, then The Incredible Hulk ranks at least an 8.

One thing that I wish the Hulk movies would do, however, is portray him as the Frankensteinish, flat-topped, squat Kirby monster, instead of a shaggy-haired muscleman.

Girl Fridays

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sin Titulo Week 53

I skipped last week because of the MoCCA show, but Sin Titulo is back this week and online now!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh Screw It

I'll do it now, it's terrible of me to go this long without posting any artwork.

Here's a sample of the hardcover colour artbook I'm working on for San Diego. More details soon.


It's been over a week since I've posted anything - so much for my initial plan to post daily. I promise I'll have some good stuff for you soon. I've been working away like a busy little bee on something special for the San Diego Comic Con, and I'll start previewing artwork from it on Friday.

In the meantime, CBR has the first official article on the Apocalipstix OGN coming next month, and an exclusive 50-page preview of the book coming later today. And if you head over to The Comic Collective they've posted the first part of a multi-part video interview conducted this past weekend at the MoCCA show in New York.

Speaking of MoCCA, enormously huge and grateful thanks to everyone who stopped by my table to say hello. I was very busy the entire show and so I unfortunately didn't get to even go and see any of it myself, but I couldn't have been happier to talk to everyone. Thanks to all of you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New DC toys!

Earlier this month I picked up some DCSH figures from last year for a friend. Since I was to ship them to him loose, I got to open them, and took a few pictures before sending them on their way to him.

But I couldn't get them out of my mind. So I picked them up for me too, along with a couple extras. Parasite, Mongol, Scarecrow, Darkseid, and the The Dark Knight Movie Masters Batman.

I also found Piccolo from the Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Figure Series at Wallgreens for much cheaper than I've seen it on eBay.

Grande MoCCA

This coming weekend, June 7-8, I'll be at the MoCCA Festival at the Puck Building in Manhattan, New York City. If you are in the New York area, please come to the show and say hello, and check out all the cool stuff from everyone there. You can find me on the first floor at table C28.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Your Move, Creep

I really love the movie Robocop. None of the sequels, television series, videogames or toys ever interested me, but Verhoeven's original film is just brilliant.

P.S. I drew this almost entirely from memory.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sin Titulo Week 52

Sin Titulo is one year old! At the risk of being too self-congratulatory I'm pretty pleased with myself for being able to keep it up for an entire year. And we're nowhere near the end...