Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It's been over a week since I've posted anything - so much for my initial plan to post daily. I promise I'll have some good stuff for you soon. I've been working away like a busy little bee on something special for the San Diego Comic Con, and I'll start previewing artwork from it on Friday.

In the meantime, CBR has the first official article on the Apocalipstix OGN coming next month, and an exclusive 50-page preview of the book coming later today. And if you head over to The Comic Collective they've posted the first part of a multi-part video interview conducted this past weekend at the MoCCA show in New York.

Speaking of MoCCA, enormously huge and grateful thanks to everyone who stopped by my table to say hello. I was very busy the entire show and so I unfortunately didn't get to even go and see any of it myself, but I couldn't have been happier to talk to everyone. Thanks to all of you!

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