Monday, September 28, 2009

Batman & Robin

Sorry, everyone, for having to remove the page of Batman & Robin #7 I posted last week - unfortunately I jumped the gun and posted it without going through the proper channels and so, quite understandably, I was asked to remove it.

To make up for it, here's an early drawing I did of the characters to get a feel for them. This is NOT appearing anywhere in the series, it's not a cover, it's just a drawing I did for my own practice, but it's a decent enough example of what my work on the book will look like...

PS I've had dozens of people ask why Batman & Robin #7 wasn't in the December solicits - I actually don't know, I don't have anything to do with that decision, the book is completely drawn so it's not because we're behind schedule or anything. I'm sure there's a valid reason for it but I'm not the guy to ask. Sorry!

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