Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kamen Rider model kit and Twitter

Shortly after I started watching toy review videos by Internet Personality Vangelus I was introduced to the Kamen Rider property. Apparently it's a series of Japanese TV shows. It looks fun, someday I'll look into watching it. The point is though, the character designs look neat, and the toys are well made, if rather expensive. But I've wanted to get into the toys since seeing his reviews. A couple of days ago I watched his V-Build video of assembling a model kit of Kamen Rider Skull, and I knew I had to have it. My wife said she'd buy it for my birthday in two months. But that was too far away, so when I found out there are several kits available, and I happened to have some Amazon Reward points available, I bought one.

Master Grade Figure-rise Kamen Rider W Accel. It arrived yesterday and I started assembling it last night. I'm going to do a proper post about it when I'm all done, but I'm also using Twitter to post small updates (with pics!) as I go along, so I thought I'd throw a Twitter widget here in case anybody wants to follow along. See the widget over there ->

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