Sunday, May 31, 2009

Call me Amaya Ariel because that's my evil name

That would probably be my longest blog title so far.
I am freaking bored, and I just did a few quizzes to kill my boredom.
It's almost 3a.m, tell me that I'm not a nocturnal? o.O
I'm going out tomorrow (in a few hours to be exact!) for breakfast and I need to wake up early for that.
I'm pretty excited, no, not because of the breakfast.
Just that tomorrow (today, I mean) I'll get to see Estaban!
Yay! :)
Gosh, I miss my cat so much!
I'm a cat lover and I'm such a baby-licker.
Cats + Babies = Totally adorable!
They are the cutest thing in this world!
How can you not love them?
One thing, guys who are afraid of cats are so not cool.
I mean, it's just a cat. I would understand if it's a lion, but a cat?
Hell no, I don't think that's cool.
And yeah, only loser plays DoTA.
You don't ditch your girlfriend on a date just so you could make out with sexy DoTA.
Whatever. I still hate DoTA.
I wonder if Kimi plays DoTA.
No, of course he don't. Because he's not a loser.
HAHAHA. Boo you!

*Lamest joke I've heard so far

'Hi, I'm Didi. Full name, Sodium Oxide'
'You can call me Xixi too'


Me : Aiman, stop making stupid jokes! Just focus on your chemistry boleh tak? =___="

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