Friday, May 29, 2009

When I watch your videos, I'll go insane

Read that, a 'LOYAL LOVER'. Haha.

I can't wait for June! June, come QUICK! June is a very special month to me of course, I was born in June. This year, I am going to celebrate with Lionel Messi since we were born on the same day *ceyh...bangga bangga*. Plus, he decided to celebrate the win in Champions League on his birthday. I was like, ok fine but with one condition. Invite all the Manchester United players, especially Tevez. Why? Simply because he's my favorite football player. Hehe.

I will definitely invite my Kimi and Massa.

Kimi, you can come with your wife. It's ok, you can bring her to my birthday party. I will be fine (I think).

And another special guest, Kris Allen. Ohh, your wife is invited too. In case you haven't notice, my crushes are all MARRIED. Haih, sad case. Fine, enough said. Kris will be performing on my birthday with his new single, 'No Boundaries' which is also one of my current favorite songs. To all of my friends, wait for your invitation card. Don't worry, I will never forget all of you in my guest list. I know, I'm such a good friend kan? Haha. Ok, that's lame.

Other than that, I'm very excited to meet up with my friends. After so many billions second of not seeing each other, June is officially the-time-to-meet-up-with-friends month. I really can't wait! I wish Pirah would have come home earlier so that I could tell her all of my love stories and also to bully her before I'm off to the new campus.

Another sad case, now that most of my friends are on summer break and they're coming home but I couldn't meet up with them as I have planned earlier because I will be busy with college stuff. So, the only solution I came up with is for them to visit me at my new campus every week. Haha. Albeit the fact that I'm so excited to start college, I'm pretty nervous too. Make that, pretty scared. I hope I can adapt well to the new environment and mix around with others. Above all that, I hope I could watch Formula One. Obviously, I need a break from my studies. Formula One could be a great cure to my study illness. To be stucked in a place like where I'm about to isn't something fun. Boredom kills!

And last night, I was video-stalking Kris Allen on youtube and I am very surprised to know that Adam Lambert is gay? Is he really gay? As in G-A-Y, no interest in woman? Really? Oh-em-gee. I mean he's pretty good with the singing and he's GAY?

To add to my suprise, I have learned a new word. KRADAM. Yeah, the combination of Kris and Adam. KRADAM, that's what you get. Do these people really expect Kris and Adam to be together, as a couple? Are they out of their mind?

My Kris is completely a pure man inside out. Plus, I'm very sure that my oestrogen level is higher than his. And hello, he's MARRIED.

Ok cut the gay t
hingy, these are the videos I want to share with you. I don't know whether it's just me (or really is it's just me) but they are so sweet. Everytime I watch them together especially during the interviews, I'll go 'awwww...that's so sweet!' But still, I would have never want to see them as a couple. That's insane okay?!!?

See, so sweet kan? They're so BFF! :)

Here's another one.

There's one video where they were asked,

'Who is sexier naked?'

Kris' face at that time was priceless and Adam just went ,

'We don't get naked together'

Haha nice answer but what a weird question.

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