Saturday, May 30, 2009

Please don't 'kiss me thru the phone'

I have a lame story for today.

Let me put it this way.
To keep this matter private and confidential (yeah right -_-'), I have to label my friends as A & B.
Ohh wait, request from A & B.
They don't want me to put them as A & B.

Reason : Tak cool.


T.I and J.T

Reason : Sebab tgh dgr lagu 'Dead and Gone'.
(Me : Double so not cool a.k.a lamelamelame!)

We were having lunch at Oldtown while listening to songs on J.T 's laptop. Some people just get too excited when they listen to their favorite songs. They might start to sing and dance to the song. I'm cool with it as long as they don't create a scene where they aren't supposed to. And also not to embarass me in public. Yeah, we are friends but hello, keep it low when you're in public. You have skipped the fact that Oldtown is a public place with all those cute muchachos, NOT your home! I repeat, not your HOME! H-O-M-E. What does it spell kiddos?

T.I and J.T : HOME!
Me : Good.

But not good enough.

Sebab dorang nyanyi the song 'I need a girl' by Usher tu and they did that rapper's style semua which was so freaking funny but at the same time memang lame gila. Ohh I forgot to mention. Everyone was looking and giving us what-the-heck look but still dorang tak stop singing. And abang waiter tu pun dah like tergelak-gelak. O.M.G. At one point, I thought it was a nightmare. No, it wasn't. Worst, aunty kat sebelah our table tu muka macam nak campak kerusi kat dorang. I wish that aunty could do that. That would be a BIG help to me. Dah la I was the only girl with them, obviously people will think this and that when they sang that kind of song. 'I need a girl'. Tell me, what else could be 'better' than that? Haih, lepas ni mana nak taruk muka I if I pergi Oldtown the next time? This can't be happening to me. For now, I pledge not to go to that Oldtown for couple of weeks (maybe forever!) until I get myself a pink wig or something. And you ; T.I and J.T get a life please?

Urghhh. And tadi, T.I did the same when we met.

T.I : *singing I need a girl*
Me : Please, stop doing that. Not funny at all. =_______________________________="

Seriously, I do think that they have thick face. Even thicker than my Basic Anatomy reference book which has 1000+ pages. I guess when they do that, I should stab them in the face since it won't hurt that much.

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